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If you want the best results regarding the use of hair fiber, you will have to learn a few tips and tricks first. The first tip is that you must make sure your hair is very dry before using it. Wet hair is not good for such types of products. If for any reason your hair is wet, you should make sure it is blow-dried first and treated well. You could also choose to let the hair to dry off naturally before you can use it. If you want better services, try to fix the fiber on your hair while facing a mirror. Before the application of fibers, you should not use any hair gel or spray. This will interfere with the effectiveness of the fibers. You should always hold this product at some angle, preferably 45o over your head while shaking the contents gently on to your head or hair. This requires that you perform this exercise while you are standing or sitting in front of a mirror. It will help you to place the container which has the fiber right on top of the area which is affected by balding. If you were to carry out this task without seeing what you are doing, you could very easily end up pouring the contents on the parts of your head which are not affected. Depending on how serious the balding problem is, you can tilt the container to increase the amount of fibers you wish to fix on your bald hair, or reduce it, whichever the case might be. You should always start from the back of the head and work your way to the front gradually. This is a process that should not be hurried or rushed. Be patient while working on your hair loss problem. Take a keen interest on the label. Use or apply the hair fiber in the prescribed manner without. The application of these fibers should be repeated several times until you get the result you were looking for. Whether you are healthy or suffering from any health condition, you should always restrict yourself to using these products in the manner which the manufacturer has described. If you have suffered from loss of hair, or you notice that it has probably lost some of its texture, you should look for the best fibers that will reverse the condition. If you feel that your hair has also lost some of its fullness, you can change the situation and make it much better through the use of fibers. The fibers work very well in hair which measure between 1-3 inches in length. There are various styles you can come up with through the use of the fibers. You could opt to make your hair spiky or to stand up. Alternatively, you could decide to make your hair as slicked down as possible using these fibers. Make use of them today and start enjoying some remarkable benefits. It is now possible to sculpt your hair as much as you love to, or to mold it in the style you prefer without much trouble. You should never make the mistake of abusing the fibers. If used well, they will provide you with the solutions you need to remedy the loss of hair.